ON SET: February 21st 2004, The Monsterican Dream promo shoot

Now this is the mother lode, monstermaniacs! After getting a tease and a sneak peek of some of the new The Monsterican Dream era costumes during my Lordi’s The Kin set visit, Lordi invited me a few months later, on February 2004, to the official promotional photo shoot for the upcoming album to get a better look at the brand new costume designs. Amen and Enary’s photos were taken on a different day, but I got to witness new costumes for Kalma, Kita and Lordi himself on my visit to the photo studio.

During the day I also got a few cool and funny shots like the details on the costumes, Kalma flipping the bird, Kita biting a cymbal and his signature drumstick and I even sneaked into a few photos with the iconic rhythm section duo myself. I only ever published a few of these shots on the original MonsterDiscoHell website on special occasions, so majority of these are previously unseen and never before published, and there’s a lot! Note that these are not the official promotional photos, but rather documentary images from that photo session.



ON SET: September 24th 2021, Borderline music video


ON SET: November 8th 2003, Lordi’s The Kin