LIVE: July 6th 2003, Black Leather Night, Oulu, Finland

Next up in my Lordi calendar was the show in Oulu on July 6th 2003. This was a part of Oulun yöt city festival with a couple of bands performing each night. The day before, on Saturday we saw The Hellacopters and The Flaming Sideburns and on Sunday, dubbed for some reason Black Leather Night, it was Sonata Arctica, and for us and so many others, the main event, Lordi. Hemitys, who was a fellow news editor on MonsterDiscoHell, lived in Oulu and it was really fun to get to see Lordi live again together. This time I had a better camera with me, so most of the photos turned out quite alright. Originally there were only 34 photos from this show on MDH, so here’s another 36 I’ve never published before! After the gig we were invited to an aftershow party at the band’s hotel and a local bar, so the rest of the night is a bit blurry... But the whole weekend was a real blast and still in my head one of the fondest memories and one of the best Lordi shows I ever attended. The last shows in Finland in 2003 were Tuska Festival and Tammerfest. Though I were at both of those, I didn’t take any photos worth posting. After the summer festival shows, the band started working on their follow up album to Get Heavy and in November 2003 I got to see the first glimpse of The Monsterican Dream era when I visited on set when they filmed the first Lordi movie, the short film The Kin. But more on that next week, same monster time, same monster channel!



ON SET: November 8th 2003, Lordi’s The Kin


LIVE: Raumanmeren juhannus 2003